Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hand #190 Bar Code

Picking off bar code labels from the produce we purchase weekly can be very frustrating and time consuming. I turned the task into fun and created this "Bar Code" hand.

Did you know? 
1966 ~ Bar code was first used commercially

1970 ~ the Universal Grocery Products Identification Code or UGPIC was
written U.P.C. symbol set or Universal Product Code

1974 ~ the first U.P.C. scanner was installed at a Marsh's supermarket in Troy, Ohio. The first product to have a bar code included was a packet of Wrigley's Gum.


  1. Wow, is that all from one shopping trip? From here in the land of tiny refrigerators and daily shopping trips, it looks like an enormous amount. By the way, daily or even twice daily trips to the market sounds much more glamorous and French than it really is!

  2. Collected them over time for the project. I could not imagine going to market twice a day. There is a positive to it though, which I like.... it gets you up and moving and you're eating fresh foods.


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